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Travelers is a concept for a serialized animated sci-fi series that I created. Two young (and slightly nerdy) prodigies create a machine that accidentally attracts the attention of a giant space-dwelling menace called the Melanth, and doom the Earth. But they've also attracted the attention of a sentient time travelling machine simply called the traveler who thinks they have the key to defeating the Melanth. It creates a human-like girl to interface with them named Rin. My general concept is that they could visit extremes in time and space (big bang, end of universe, inside black holes) as they set out to solve the mystery of the Melanth and hopefully save the Earth. It would focus on adventure but combine it with humor as well as hard sci-fi. It was an attempt to create something I would like to see on TV! Oh, and sorry about the gratuitous use of the song Holiday by Green Day!




Travelers mini-site that has entire pitch (requires Flash)